G3KEV wrote:
Most of those that used to be active on LF and are now QRT
have gone because of the lack of CW. Why does the LAZY
MANS mode prevail when most of those using QRS are good
enough signals to work normal CW.
I often call CQ using normal CW, despite the location of my shack making it
difficult to concentrate on CW amongst all of the family noises. However, an
experience this morning reminded me of why several of us were put off CW
some years ago.
I was working newcomer John, G3JRL, in Weymouth, who was 549. During the QSO
someone whose callsign is old enough that he should know better called CQ
twice over the top at S9. He then seemingly deliberately wobbled his VFO
back and forth across the frequency, defeating my attempts to use filters to
fix the problem.
Does that sound familiar to some of the old hands on 136kHz?
I'm going back to QRSS where I can multi-task, coexist with the family
noises and gain several dB at the same time.
Mike, G3XDV