Dear Alan, Mal and Group.
On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, hamilton mal wrote:
According to the CIS callsign server, his QTH is Novosibirsk, the
latitude and longitude of which you could find from your atlas, or
Geoclock etc.
It is not Novosibirsk itself. It is near (abt 5 km) Dovolnoe in
Novosibirsk oblast (region).
Acording to Russian rules calsign is not changed when station change QTH
in oblast limits. UA9OC is now (temporaly) out of Novosibirsk for LF
DXpedition specialy (less of noise and oportunity to use a high tower).
QTH is aproximatly:
54 29' N 79 39' E
Hope there is not mistake. When Ed come back it will be posible ask him.
Though QRB is bit shorter. They are east from Novosibirsk
73 de RA9MB/Alex