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LF: RE: Bandplan

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: RE: Bandplan
From: "John W Gould" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 10:35:17 +0100
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Dick,  the current IARU agreed bandplanning for 136kHz is now out-of-date and a new set of Guidlines has been adopted by RSGB and sent to IARU for discussion at their Region 1 Conference in San Marino in a few months time.  The details of the RSGB proposal is at - as you will see it is based very much on the excellent suggestion on Geri's site.  I did publicise this a while ago on the reflector, but I guess not everyone saw it.
If you believe that VERNON can support this proposal, then it would be appropriate to publish the details of the proposal as RSGB did earlier this year when they issued their annual update on amateur bandplans.
Over the last year I have been supporting LF discussions within the External Relations Committee of  IARU Region 1.  This has recently been formalised with my election onto the committee as LF Coordinator for Region 1.  
Hope that the above helps
73 John, G3WKL
 -----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Dick Rollema
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 13:37
To: LF-Group
Subject: LF: Bandplan

To All from PA0SE

Many thanks to all who responded to my request (see below).

I will use the suggestion by Geri, DK8KW, with a remark that it has not the status of an official bandplan but should be regarded as a suggestion that has been accepted by most, but not all, users of the LF band.
I will also add some remarks made by Mike, G3XDV, in a direct e-mail to me.

73, Dick, PA0SE

Our national amateur radio society VERON every two years brings out a Vademecum (handbook, manual).

I have been asked to write the chapter on LF.

In the previous edition (year 2000) the chapter on LF included a bandplan:

135,7-136,0 kHz:    local tests and temporary beacon transmissions
 136,0-137,1 kHz:    normal CW
 137,5-137,6 kHz:    non-CW modes (PSK31, RTTY, etc.)
 137,7-137,8 kHz:    slow CW (QRSS)

Is it still considered valid or would it be better not to mention it?

Or could you recommend a different text?

Suggestions are welcome!

73, Dick, PA0SE
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