Could you, or whoever looks after the website, post that information on
there? I was assured that it would be there by the time the article was
published but I can't remember by whom! (there's a two-month lead time...)
Dave G3YXM.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stewart Bryant" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: LF: LF Roundtable
I am fairly certain that there are no details on the site other than the
of the Club. We have been very busy at CARC just recently, firsly with a
multi-club radio exhibition at Peter Vallance open day, and then with
for the open section of VHF field day.
The general plan is to meet at CARC in the morning for bring and buy and
coffee, and the to hold a short paper session in the afternoon. Any
to talk be welcome, as would any suggestions for talk topics. The LF-RT
get back on the club radar screen after this comming weekend. Anyone
interested in
operating or logging near Folkestone this weekend? - we have plenty of
Stewart G3YSX
Andy talbot wrote:
> According to this month's RadCom there is to be an LF Roundtable at
Crawley on
> July 21 and readers are referred to the CARC Website
> details. I couldn't find anything there, or was it just a case of not
> navigating properly.
> Andy G4JNT