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Re: LF: Phase meter for propagation experiment

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Phase meter for propagation experiment
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 04:08:22 EDT
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hello group,

I made two phase plots of 1.5 hours length yesterday, the first with MSF (60kHz), the second with DCF77 (77.5kHz).
To calibrate sample rate and the receiver's LO, the 15625 Hz TV sync ("ZDF") and its harmonics at 62.5 kHz (for the MSF plot) and 78125 (for the DCF plot) were used.

The graphs are attached.
"Ampl1" (red) is the amplitude of the TV sync,
"Phase1" (green) its phase which shows that the software is not perfect,
"Ampl2" (blue) is the amplitude of the MSF- or DCF carrier,
"Phase2" (purple) shows the variation of the MSF- or DCF phase. The absolute value is meaningless, it depends on when the measurement started.

It appears that the long-term phase stability of the ZDF TV sync against MSF and DCF is very good. The phase graph shows some "ups and downs", the maximum phase deviation is 50° over the 1.5 hour observation period.
I expected a significantly lower phase variation in the DCF graph. The reason is still unknown, maybe the 'calibration' algorithm needs more tweaking.


Attachment: msf_phase_020412.ZIP
Description: Zip archive

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