Big signals received at my QTH in order.
2 M0BMU - Jeep running well Jim, keep changing the oil hi
The rest even with their JEEPS flat out are but a whisper in the night,
I often wonder how they ever make it across the Pond, I expect that is
why it takes days and weeks to stitch the qso together.
Those keying the Decca via the transceiver(drive on/off) are generating
louder key clicks than signal.
It must be fun listening to all of this on the local LF/VHF repeater,
thankfully I am well out of range.
What was the name of the amateur somewhere in Canada VA something, that
had his repeater in the middle of the Atlantic. Did that count as a
Fixed or /MM qso. Not heard him for a long time perhaps the repeater has
sunk or the wind and snow has swept it away.