An "pre-alpha" version of the program is now available for PIC16F84.
(not yet tested on hardware ;-)
There wasn't room for both Jason and DFCW in the PIC16F84 so
DFCW had to go...
If there is interest, I can modify the program later to handle both Jason
and DFCW but that will call for a PIC16F628.
Is there anyone out there who has both the G0MRF DDS board and a
PIC programmer and would like to do the "big bang test" for me?
If it doesn't work, you can always pour the old code back into the PIC.
(I don't have the G0MRF DDS board and I don't have the time to build an
equivalent test circuit right now.)
PIC program and interface details are available on request.
Johan SM6LKM