<?color><?param0100,0100,0100>Dear LF Group,<br><br>I arrived at work this morning to find that:<br><br><?color><?param7f00,0000,0000>> Well, WOLF has successfully crossed the pond. Got two lines of clean<br>> copy between 0135 and 0200 Z tonight (3/19 Z). Frequency was about 0.13<br>> Hz below 137.5 kHz. Had to do some tweaking to get the copy. Those<br>> command line switches do come in handy.<br>> <br>> John Andrews, W1TAG<br>> <br><br><?/color>Many thanks to John for this report, and his perseverance. Also to Stewart, KK7KA for developing the mode in the first place. I believe this is the first time a mode other than QRSS or DFCW has benn successfully copied across the pond.<br><br>I will run some more tests this evening; details to follow.<br><br>Cheers, Jim Moritz<br>73 de M0BMU<br><br>