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Re: LF: Wolf BPSK across pond

Subject: Re: LF: Wolf BPSK across pond
From: "John Currie" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 18:34:42 -0800
References: <5186.200103191301@gemini> <>
Sender: <>
Hi Rik I was pleased to see your email you will see that I have just sent one
with a proposal for testing throughout summer
73 de john VE1ZJ
Rik Strobbe wrote:

>Congrats to John and Jim on this accomplishment. I'd like to also point out
>that this successful reception took place on what, the first or second
night of
>transmissions ?
>And in the middle of March!!

Congrats are in order, but things have to be seen in perspective :
- Jim has one of the strongest signals in Europe and his QRSS signals have
been copied in the USA / Canada on an almost daily base.
- transatlantic propagation has been excellent for the last week(s). CFH is
booming in day and night (here in Belgium abt. 10dB stronger than in
Octover/November) and modest stations (such as G3XDV) have made it across.

Keeping in mind that the first succesfull transatlantic test was mid
september, it might turn out that midwinter has not nessecarily the best
propagation. I suggest to continue the transatlantic test until signals are

73, Rik  ON7YD

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