I agree with the best times, certainly after 0700z signals rise and
noise levels fall. In fact, most mornings I see a quite abrupt drop in
noise level a bit before 0700, well before streetlights go off. Haven't
been able to identify the source of this noise change so far. Also
short lived periods during the night.
Both Dave and John are getting slightly better reception than I can
achieve, particularly in the morning session - are you using the normal
vertical antennas for reception ? Certainly haven't been able to make
out as much of today's CW message as Dave's plot timed at 0800 today
I've been recording raw data, I/Q sampled at 3.9Hz and sending these to
Bill VE3IQ for analysis. After filtering and smoothing the phase of the
signal can be extracted, Hopefully, this will allow the propagation
path to be characterised to levels greater than amplitude measurement
alone will give. The on off keying does give a slight problem but after
adequate filtering its effects can be removed leaving a plain carrier
whose phase can be measured over the entire transmission period.
Andy G4JNT
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