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LF: Re: 73kHz Activity

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: 73kHz Activity
From: "f5maf" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 22:26:35 +0100
References: <3865.200012021556@gemini>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi James ,
I would like to receive you  on the 71KHz in QRSS mode.
I'm receiving 60KHz 59+20.
I use a SO42P converter and an  inverted L antenne (137 KKz) with a 13mH
I saw that Valerio received you.
When could you send in beacon mode?
What is you frequency?

73 Marc

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Moritz" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 4:59 PM
Subject: LF: 73kHz Activity

Dear LF group,

Thanks to all those who sent reports of my 73kHz signals last night.
I gather DF6NM was trying to call me for a cross-band QSO;
unfortunately I was not actually set up for X-band operation last
night, so was not able to see Markus' signal, but I will certainly sort
this out in time for next Friday, or any time people would like to try
for a sked.

I did not hear anyone else on 73kHz last night - however I did hear
a signal that was new to me. It was on about 71.70kHz, and
consisted of short "pips", a bit like one of the time signal stations,
except that there were about 40 pips per minute, which seems like
an awkward number for a time signal. It was barely audible on the
transmit antenna, but was several dB above the noise on the loop
antenna. Some pips were louder than others, a bit like the Russian
Alpha VLF beacons speeded up. I tried nulling the signal with the
loop - it was hard to find a null due to the noise from Rugby, but
was roughly north-east/south-west from my QTH. It was still there
today. Has anyone else heard this? Any ideas?

Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU

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