Hello LowFers.
I have made loop ant for rx and it seems not to work satisfactorily. Size is
1.75m x 1.75m. Everything is done as usual, with grounded middle and
amplifier with 2 x BF245, tuned properly, etc. Output level from the
amplifier is high enough. I can hear Greek RTTY, also galloping horses a
little, but no poor HAM sigs. My LW 40m, that is in average height of about
6 m only, is much better. The only thing I am in doubt is the number of
turns. It has got only 18 turns (I used flat cable that was available at the
moment). Could this be reason for the bad results? What are your
experiencies with loop ant? Can loop ant be as good as "big" Marconi?
73! Petr, OK1FIG