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LF: Leonids nite observations

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Leonids nite observations
From: Väinö Lehtoranta <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 09:22:20 +0200
Cc: [email protected]
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
LF observations 17 Nov 1999 (136..137 kHz) by OH2LX
(qth: Jokela, South Finland, KP20LN, (60N34 024E58):

1915 OH3LYG (429) calling OZ1KMR (?) 2210 SM6PXJ (219) calling somebody (?)
2216 OH1TN (429) calling IK5ZPV (1-219)
    (yes I definitely hrd IK5ZPV with
AR7030Plus/---- 10m coax---/1:10/---15m wire-----
Ionospheric Cross Modulation (ICM) on DCF39 138.83:

ICM (modulation) hrd on DCF39 belongs to new LF station
Solec Kujawski 225 kHz replacing Warszawa-Raszyn since
24 Sept 1999; 1000 kW and two masts (289 & 330 m high).
ICM not as strong as that caused by Warszawa-Gabin
"super-station" (645.38 m mast collapsed on 8 Aug 1991).

Below 138.83 there is audible a mix of unintelligible
voice (S. Kujawski?) plus DCF39 "ghost burst" gradually
disappearing towards lower frequencies (REF: GW4ALG&G3XVD)
Leonids in Finland during morning of 18 Nov 1999:

Practically nil. OH9TEN 28267.5 kHz was audible though
around 0100 UTC with some notable "bursts" & "pings"...
Finnish FM TV DX people hrd occasional FM/TV bursts mostly
from Central European stations, a big disappointment...

REF: ----------------------------------------------------------
GW4ALG wrote:------------------------------------------------ I heard a very strange noise across the whole of the 136 kHz
band.  It sounded rather like a mixture of cross-modulation/
inter-modulation plus Luxembourg Effect......
Mike, G3XVD wrote:------------------------------------------------
Yes, this has been clearly audible at various times this week, mainly between 137.5 and DCF39. It was apparent last winter, too. I recall discussion about whether or not this was really Luxemburg effect. It certainly coincides with evidence of skywave on the various commercial stations.

V.K.Lehtoranta, OH2LX, POBox 50, FIN-05401 Jokela, Finland
------ Tel: +358-9-4173965 ---- Fax: +358-9-4173961 ------
E-mail: [email protected] - alias: [email protected] & [email protected]

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