G'day All,
I know I am a little early for the 1st of April, but what ever happened to
the revolutionary CFA (crossed field antenna) ? There was a series of
articles on the 'net promising many things and tantalisingly details of its
construction - then it just seemed to disappear down a PL-259 plug hole!
Did it go the way of 'cold fusion' or some other demise?
73s Steve Olney (VK2ZTO - QF56IK : Lat -33 34 07, Long +150 44 40)
email: [email protected]
Web Page: http://www.zeta.org.au/~ollaneg
LowFer: http://www.zeta.org.au/~ollaneg/lowfer.htm
LF Receiving - FRG-100, 8-turn 10sqm Loop
or Ferrite Loop + K0LR Preamp