Good signal from you Andy despite most of my antenna being on the ground! "Spectrum Lab will filter the signal and apply strong sferic blanking, and take care of timestamping and sample rate drift co
I have been informed that Peter Dodd, G3LDO, died last night. Peter was very active in the early days of LF, making the first twoway QSO on 73kHz and being part of a very early transatlantic contact
John, Although I didn't see your email last night, by coincidence I monitored 137.777kHz +/- for a change (SpecLab set to QRSS60). I switched on at 0200UTC and saw 'XES' straight away (see attached),
Not normal service. The spots from Opera, both on the program and on the map ceased for a few hours but are back now. For a while I saw no spots on any band, which is definitely not normal. Mike, G3X
Good signals from R7NT on 137kHz Opera/ Also R7NT and RK2Y on WSPR15. My own Opera transmissions were reported by RN3AUS, amongst others. When I checked the WSPR database it appeared to be an even be
After three months of very wet and windy weather, we have a few days of cold and calm. Since my rather fragile antenna will be stable, I will be making a few CW and QRSS transmissions on the 136kHz b
Thanks to those who reported my 136kHz CW/QRSS activity over the past few days. My CW transmsssions were joined by G3XIZ and M0FMT. The weather looks very calm and cold for the next two nights (Tue /
John, Many thanks for that report. Glad the system is still working. I will be transmitting QRSS60 again tonight because the weather is still favourable. Then I will get back to the usual Op32 transm
Laurence, Unsurprisingly, nothing seen (from anywhere) on 137k WSPR15 last night. However, I am a great believer in "never say never" and have worked some great DX (on other bands) when some others w
Of course, Murphy's Law is operating. I have had to lower my antenna masts yet again - the windy days have been more frequent this winter than ever before - so missed the good conditions. I will prob
As the weather has settled down again - cold, calm and dry - I will be running a QRSS60 beacon on 136.172kHz (actually very slightly above) transmitting my full callsign starting on each even hour fr