73, Johan SM6LKM (RX = Perseus + 10m of wire thrown over a small tree) Lubomír Bobalík skrev: Very strong signal here. (RX = PERSEUS + PC HP / ANT = Welbrook LFL1010) Lubos, OK2BVG --
Hello, nice work John! The problem will be looked into soon, it seems. Those Harris transmitters are nice (eh... when they work as advertised...). The 2kW PA modules are said to have 98% efficiency!
Hi John, maybe they forgot to install the LPF between the PWM modulator and the PA before turning on their new transmitter :-) Here is the web page of the Faroe Broadcasting service: http://www.uf.fo
Alberto, I just cleared my cache and downloaded Jason again and it installed nicely and seems to run well. It was probably just a download glitch that corrupted the file last time i tried. I forgot t
John, a simple "Softrock style" front end adapted for 136 or 500kHz should work very well if you have a decent soundcard. There are a few SDR programs that works with such a front end, for example I2
Scott, does the noise level change when the loop is rotated? 73 Johan SM6LKM Presently I'm only using my passive RX loop which has a single turn 'sense' loop for coupling into the main multi turn loo
Hej Bernt, jag lyssnar! 73 Johan -- Gus skrev: *Hello LF group,* ** *Tonight i vill ´do some test with extended eart radials on 504,500 KHz.* *I would be glad for reports!* ** *73 de Gus SM6BHZ*
Hi Scott, nice to meet you again. Congratulations on getting rid of those anti-radio neighbours! This is very very true... Have a look at this: http://web.telia.com/~u33233109/dellpsu/dellnoise.html
Mike, yes, the EU MW and LW BC stations are on a 9kHz grid (except a few on LW). These frequencies are divisible by 9kHz so even though 540kHz end with a zero, it happens to be a "valid" EU frequency
Just had a "quick listen" on 500 around 1840UTC: SK6RUD: 500.0kHz -85dBm GI4DPE: 501.3kHz -93dBm SM6BHZ: 504.5kHz -78dBm DI2AM: 505.2kHz -85dBm Noise: about -105dBm in 500Hz BW (mostly distant QRN an
I have a PERSEUS DSR which uses DSP techniques for filtering, demodulation, AGC etc. However the AGC can be turned off and it is an excellent tool for weak signal work. Agreed! In addition to the Per
Gus skrev: Tack, kan du lämna någon signalstyrka ? Cirka -100dBm / 2.2uV / S4.5 med horisontell dipol för 80m... Plockade ned min aktiva antenn nyligen p.g.a. åskväder men kanske kan sätta upp den ig
Yes, 3F3 is even better than 3C85/3C90 for power transformation at a few hundred kHz. The 3F3 cores, if coloured, are light blue. Philips sold their ferrite business to Ferroxcube: http://www.ferroxc
Hi Mal, this data is usually fresh enough for me: http://celestrak.com/ It may not be updated often enough to reflect minor orbital manouvers but that is a minor issue unless your antenna beamwidth i
EXTRA GRIMETON RADIO/SAQ TRANSMISSION There will be a transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on 17,2 kHz on December 6 2008 at 10:45 UTC. The reason for the extra transmission is the opening o