Alberto, that kind of connector is still available and is called "Micro Ribbon". 14, 24, 36 and 50 pole versions are common. 73 Johan SM6LKM Alberto di Bene skrev: Off topic, sorry... Does anybody ha
I'm sorry Chris, I was a bit angry but I did not intend to upset anyone. Anyway, these ad's are driving me mad... Isn't it possible to at least put them all at the end of the magazine? ;-) To Dave ZL
John, LF, you may wish to have a look at QEX, If you accept a paperless forum, there is a Yahoo group called EMRFD at . It was started by
I just received a few transmissions from the "CW IS GOOD BEACON IS BAD" beacon on the TCP/IP band. Condx seems to be up but no surprise this time either. In fact, it is quite boring to listen to beca
Hi, I have been an RSGB member for quite a few years now and I agree with most of you that "Radcomic" is becoming too much of an advertisment orgy! The number of full-page ad's for multi-button appli
Yes, those were the days Mal... I had an old Adcola when I was a teenager. The "front end" looked like a long coil of steel wire and the handle was a "phenolic paper" tube which got so hot I needed a
Graham, 1. Go to 2. Click the Union Jack 3. In the left side menu, navigate to Resistors->Potentiometers-> Trimmers, single-turn->trimmer, type PTC-10->4.7k. This one has a Cermet
Hi Mal, it is quite strong here in southern SM too. 73 Johan SM6LKM hamilton mal skrev: Hi all Can anyone else hear the qrm around 3533 khz, its broadband chirping all the time, and vy strong at time
These articles have the information you need to design and tune a class E amplifier:
Mal, for proper class E operation, the drain waveform must be allowed to be non-symmetrical so you cannot just use a center tapped output transformer. In other words, there must be no "hard coupling"
Grattis Bernt! Kul att du fått upp farten på 600m! Körde du med DDS:en från Dalsjöfors? Hör av dig nå'n dag så skall jag fixa ett nytt program med en bättre "splash screen" på displayen... Det är kan
Mal: Maybe your countrymen are busy working Russia on 144 MHz / CW / troposcatter this moment (not kidding, wkd GM4ODA/p on the Shetlands, OY9JD / Faroe, UA2 .. UT2 yesterday, and these conditions st