Its surprising how many amateurs subscriber to this reflector but have no opinion, SITTING ON THE FENCE. !!!!!!!!!!!! Come out of the woodwork and let us all know what you think. G3KEV
How can we have regular skeds when there are only 4 regular stations active, one on RTTY, one on CW, one on PSK and another only on BEACON mode. My previous message must have escaped YOU. G3KEV
Hi all Those stations active in EU that cannot work direct on 500 khz please work xband for a real time QSO. I will monitor 3533/7033 khz when working in the shack and QSX when calling CQ. The 7033 f
Many replies, mostly private to my recent comments, too numerous for individual comments. Opinions are diverse but useful to judge 500 khz thinking. This informaton could be useful to Ofcom for 500 k
It seems that I am the only one to observe the new UK loran on 137 khz. I did see one UK stn active on qrs 3, only visible, vy poor signal. I am active but CW only for UK stns and qrv for DX on qrs3
John, Loran is now audible clicking away since it moved to its new location, when located at Rugby it was just about visible but not audible with me. My loop antenna is E/W and if its located West fr
Tnx Laurence for the reports. Keep motoring and listening. I listen at times for W stns but not visual, so far nil hrd. 73 mal/g3kev -- Original Message -- From: [email protected] Lauren
Dear Johan, Thank you for your email. orgy! ... I don't want to pay for these ad's anymore... Forgive me for pointing it out, but you're not paying for the ads. Magazines take paid advertising to mak
I have been doing well xband 500/3533/7033 so far with 11 countries worked but reports are vy poor, average 429 at night time and no QSO'S daytime I suppose of the QRP that I am permitted. Others oug
I got a couple of old copies of SPRAT and found it contained some great ideas and tit bit ccts. It is not hard to alter the ccts for QRO applications. You still need to be able to solder and with the
If u are restricted to BEACON MODE end of story. Some UK stations inflict themselves with BEACON MODE when they are permitted to have two way communications.This does not make sense. We need two way
Laurence. You asked a question and you got a lot of advice about looking up web pages. I do not know why someone did not give you the inductor/capicator values that you require. Let me know the cut o
Hi all Mf condx vy good at present. Worked SU9, JA, HL3. last nite on 160 m also some RA0 stns on the band plus some W stns. Beacons from GI and GM and DI also vy strong on 500 khz but no QSO acty. d
Condx good at present on 160m I just worked RA3DOX at 1520 utc early afternoon here in bright sunshine. Using only 100w to a full wave inv L antenna. Mode normal CW Do not be surprised to work some d
Hi all I built a class E type TX in a couple of days, my own design layout etc and kept it simple, but I am experienced having built equipment over the years from the valve era, then transistors and
Tnx Warren for the prompt reply and also all the others that responded, much appreciated. One approach that I had in mind was an outboard bit of hardware like a divider that fed the ant socket of the
Well done, good dx. If we could get some of these 160 m operators interested in 500 plus more permitted power this end it would make a big difference and challenge to engage in some meaningful propag
Last night two GI stns active on beacon and the interestingt part was the variations in strength. GI4DPE increased in strength to 599 as the night progressed and remained fairly steady but some other
Hi Paul-henrik Thats a great name for CW hid If you could get an antenna up for 80 or 40m it would be great for xband and other UK stations would also be interested in a xband QSO. 73 and tnx the rep