*//* */I test a SSB beacon this evening on 505,5 kHz USB./* */Power is abt 1W ERP and there is also a CW id include..../* */Reports are wellcome./* *//* */73 de Gus SM6BHZ/* Gus 59 here at 2245z. I c
Just think topband with the dimensions scaled accordingly, you were therefore using a 50ft inverted L with a less than 2m high vertical section getting lower.... and 12W. I think a kite is the only w
Dear all My 600m NoV has been confirmed and is in the post. I have the parts for the transmitter and an ATU. I have kites and plenty of wire. Who is actually active on 500kHz within about 100km of me
mal hamilton wrote: Richard Your Beacon is in the middle of the CW qso area. If possible move to the low band edge. mal/g3kev Hi Mal Comment noted. It was where the data tests were the other night so
mal hamilton wrote: G3KEV, G3XIZ and G3DXZ are active nearly every day, also GI4DPE,GW3UEP and GW4HXO appear now and again plus others. I have heard you on the odd time but your signal is vy weak. Ma
Dear all Actually it took me quite a while to decipher Rogers callsign and in doing so it occurred to me that 500kHz in the day is a good band for testing DSP noise reduction as it is noisy but the
After my success in getting more current into the aerial yesterday I decided to measure the RF current in the link (link coupled ATU) with a proper RF ammeter. I was somewhat surprised that the curre
Gus wrote: */Dear LF group,/* *//* */I test a SSB beacon this evening on 505,5 kHz USB./* */Power is abt 1W ERP and there is also a CW id include..../* */Reports are wellcome./* *//* */73 de Gus SM6B
Dear all I have been making some progress towards 500kHz portable. Tonight I made a 500kHz preamp which has a very lightly coupled preselector. It was quite a challenge getting this resonant with a 5
Dear MFers I am trying to model various aerial configurations for 500kHz using NEC. I have set the antenna 0.5m above ground as NEC2 does not like radials on the ground. I have used "real ground". Ha
Dear all I have a beacon running on 502.7kHz on standard CW. I would welcome reports as the evening progresses. I will be using it to try to engage some SOTA people in listening on the band so that I