After a few months of using my 12V/120Ah LiFePo4 accu (
i am really happy with the performance!
During an experiment at the ground loop i'm tracking the antenna
current, see an example in the attachment. Since the feed point
resistance is constant, the antenna current is proportional to the accu
discharge current and also to the voltage (Power supply running in
fully duty cycle, i.e. not regulated). As you can see the experiment
took 2.5 hours. The accu has a display (second attachment) showing the
state of discharge. At the beginning of the experiment, the accu was
charged to 98%, at the end it was at 18%. As you see in the graph, the
current and voltage dropped by just 1.6 % after a 50% discharge and by
12 % at the end of the transmission. These are outstanding results!
Well, the distributor is German but the accu cells are from China
anyway. So why not buying in China directly?
There is an online distributor which makes offers that are hard to
For example:
| 1 kWh/50$
or even:
| 1 kWh/38.3$
How is this possible? Is it just 'fake'? I'm going to risk to buy one.
No risk, no fun, as someone recently said.
73, Stefan