Morning from Alaska - I was a little late in shoving the North bound beam over the pole and taking a look at 1476kHz - We have numerous co-channel stations on Oz, China, Indonesia and Russia and I tried to reduce them
using the K9AY but I dont think Im seeing anything yet.
It wasnt a particularly good night . Ill take another look at sun down in a few hours. Notice the abrupt turn off for one or more transmitters, and someone LF of 1476 appears to have a lot of recurring on/off/wobble
about... I also have a 1Kw station within a mile on 1430 which is putting out some low freq rumblings which isnt helping.
It does Happen occasionally as Ive heard Moray Firth and North Sound radios on MW from this side.
73 Laurence KL7L KL1X
Hi Lubos, Dave, Chris, great news! Thank you so much for listening and reporting.
Chris, I'm pretty sure that Ralph will love to read about your receiver!
Best 73,
Von meinem Samsung Gerät gesendet.
After the sad demise of all LW and MW broadcasts in Germany, a handful of pioneers came up who are operating legal low-powered medium wave stations in the context of a radio museum or for educational purposes. One of them is Ralph (DL2NDO, one of the participants
in the legendary Donebach 137 kHz activation in 2002). He has obtained a transmitting license for 1476 kHz (former frequency of Vienna Bisamberg), built a 3 Watt AM transmitter, and with the help of a small team raised a quarterwave antenna on the Fraunhofer
premises south of Erlangen (JN59MN21HF).
Yesterday they got on air for the first time, running a preliminary test transmission consisting of switched 1000 Hz beeps (one second on, one second off, audio frequency locked to the RF carrier). This pattern will be continued for a few days, before they
will eventually.take over the audio from the local DAB student radio "funklust".
The current test pattern is relatively easy to make out in the noise so it may be a good chance for some DX detections. At night we've actually heard the beeps on Twente SDR and a couple of German Kiwi-SDRs. But I guess using narrowband signal processing techniques,
the carrier and coherent tones could make it much further. The carrier frequency is derived from an OCXO and is currently at 1476000.411 Hz.
Will anyone in the group take the challenge?
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)