Hello Luis and all,
returned home today and now it's time to 'play' a little bit with our fantastic 'hobby' !
I have tried to search for your signal in the recordings.
This is very easy to do with linux and vlfrx-tools. In fact i'm recording the audio from the LF receiver with the program 'vtwrite'. This program creates its proper files in a dedicated hard disk (used only for the storage) . I setted vtwrite to create
one file each 24 hour. It is very confortable to retry the raw data by using 'vtread' program, just specify the date, the duration and the location of the storage directory. In this way, it is possible to post-processings any possible transmissions in the
audio band recordered. You can 'play' anytime the raw file and change the parameters, offsets or NB settings.
Nice tools, thanks again to Paul Nicholson.
But, sorry to say that, till now, the search of your 'DOM' message is without results.
Maybe one of the parameters you have announced is different from that you have really used. That's becouse the duration for
16K21A, CRC=19, 3 Chars, 2 (total 912 bits) is more than 30 minutes for T=2s and maybe some symbols were not transmitted due to your 'half hour beaconing'.
There is also a lack of sensitivity on LF on my receiver. Noise floor, also during nightime, is very high (one week ago was less) and i suspect some hardware trouble here (groundings or a new local 'macoomba' noise). Investigation is started.
Dear Luis, can i suggest you (or other operators) to try an EbNaut transmission on that MF band ?
Autodecoder webpage is setted for R3RWR transmissions now, but it's easy to change parameters. You can transmitt anytime, since also MF band is recordered in a separate storage media.
Waiting for your comment.
73, Domenico IZ7SLZ