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Re: LF: DL to VK7 ?

Subject: Re: LF: DL to VK7 ?
From: DK7FC <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 16:14:07 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=2017; t=1521126848; bh=e5fre+rj3ofhq7qAPnOIhxDeJg+5Cm6kFy3qE30jFrk=; h=Date:From:To:Subject:From; b=mPWCN1KJJwVT8dTcmEsge/dlD0fHwxLdm/KAlVTsLdPeOArMy3b/9YDStboRgGyax Ih0YpQGJOIW7P/4qGPvX8dBeQhl99c9gHhsTX8Y24D3G1d0+7zEFSUGONh2+FVsCV+ DitrK4TY2GToMU8bcuLELo/PUkGYH7Wg9RcrGt4H1J2K9nMWOTRlJn/lDUXIJaQWt+ RIjn41X9ua5pRuzVzI83c6B3SOxWC6bpfpGQfDmOcEC9IeqQAFRbuHzcRFdD46+mUt l6S0+UtcAPunG75WEIlEHnsTS9JnoPy9ir3jT2uN0dEQM3pxMZJ451Wgti4YE62BA1 L0pLd71tziYZA==
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Today, i'll start TXing on 17.4701 kHz. Start time is 16 UTC and i intend to run a plain carrier at about 1 A antenna current.

I'm not happy with my linear PA. The efficiency is too bad an i often get dead FETs!! I'm now thinking about a digital solution, a hard keyed class-D PA in combination with a step down converter modulating the supply voltage of the PA. Not a new concept but i never built one of them. Does someone have a circuit recommendation to give some inspiration?

If all works well i'll continue directly with an EbNaut message for Jay and Garry and of course anyone else who is interested:

f = 17470.1000 Hz
Start time: 15:Mar.2018  23:30:00 UTC
Symbol period: 20 s
Characters: 3
CRC bits: 24
Coding 16K21A
Duration: 05:30:40 [hh:mm:ss]
Antenna current: 1 A

73, Stefan

Am 27.02.2018 09:23, schrieb Edgar:

Is it possible?  Reception at Moonah, Tasmania.

Regards, Edgar
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