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Re: LF: Now monitoring WSPR-15

To: N1BUG <>
Subject: Re: LF: Now monitoring WSPR-15
From: Chris Wilson <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 15:08:43 +0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=date:from:message-id:to:cc:subject:in-reply-to:references :mime-version:content-transfer-encoding; bh=Y+mFlTFUfxIxSj3FNVWkeTPpK1jNSkOtd3C+WgWNFYE=; b=nrZPgCDh8HdG3wWvpXP6hDo2TerS1eZM5nd67xwg/FIgMh7QNqYBXYRqa1tbGM43P+ hYsgiHTiYn2fBNsvyDHFT0sg4NTwZGj/B0SbNUtTjXui2lzraIbE1OLY4bM5HBZlH9WT bZqb1O8ObPX3z0cQzN74YKT1gNwHUcWq5Iz8nL1ZBmq14KPtLjsUsr9BBejqjG/pf9Zl 5cj7CNM4vTFdcnYEHW6Hu45swuEEDnPGVVpFAtZRvT1/uabQR5fYhem0jG9t413ps562 uOF8oSPyfaEnyE2s5NxgCqrjU39O7B+IQJs/Z1RzektbDgIFd551LqDE1+CiqNX2s7/h WafQ==
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
Hello Paul,

I  think  I  may  have  asked  you  this before (age and the stress of
marriage  etcetera,  sorry...),  but are you able to monitor OPERA as
well?  Re  no  spots  for  JT-9 Philip of PSKReporter fame has said he
thinks  it  may be because it's a 2 way mode and instead of my message
being  preceded  by  a  B  for  beacon  (B  2E0ILY  IO82) I should try
preceding  with CQ or DE. Comments welcome as to the rights and wrongs
of  getting  PSKReporter map spots on JT-9 welcome :) Also what is the
accepted frequency for JT-9 on 2200m??

Tuesday, November 21, 2017, 2:18:58 PM, you wrote:

> I noticed last evening G8HUH was transmitting WSPR-15 on 2200m. I 
> decided to try WSPRX one more time. For some reason this time it 
> seems to be running OK! It hasn't crashed in more than 12 hours! 
> Sadly G8HUH appeared to quit before propagation developed, so I 
> didn't hear him. I did receive 2E0ILY on WSPR-2 and JT9 again. This 
> now makes 9 consecutive nights of TA.

> For as long as it keeps working I will continue to monitor WSPR-15. 
> Modes now monitored on 2200m:

> WSPR-2
> WSPR-15
> JT9
> QRSS/DFCW (intermittent)

> I've started putting together a web page about my LF/MF activity. It 
> is very incomplete and will be changing every time I get a bit of 
> time to work on it.


> 73,
> Paul N1BUG FN55mf

Best regards,

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