Congratulations, Chris. You have joined the exclusive band of LF
arsonists! Fortunately, no real harm done this time.
> Hello LF`ers,
> Just made a quick test WSPR TX here and the wind has got up
> here. First TX was fine, second one, luckily whilst I was
> watching the Scopematch, suddenly went odd. Shut it down and
> went outside, to find the nylon fishing line tether for the
> vertical wire had broken and the vertical had set light to the
> dry grass strimmings near the loading coil. Luckily I managed to
> stamp it out otherwise the green wheelie bin with the loading
> coil in it would have caught too. Deep scorch marks on a wooden
> post that stops the wheelie bin blowing over as well, from
> arcing from the vertical wire. Take care in this dry weather
> especially if the wind gets up..... :)
> --
> Best regards,
> Chris mailto:[email protected]
> ---
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