Ive got the KL7L screen on 8270, but its been really noisy overnight for the past two nights -
Theres a cheater carrier on 8270.14 which is GPS/10MHz locked from an HP3336b Im using as a s/n ref - I reduced in amplitude down a bit yesterday hence changes
Ive built a pair of crossed loops from the VLFIT loop designs, just the amps to do which may help with nighttime Western Pacific noise.
Im using a 5m vertical and FET Inspire design for the present, but its pretty quiet and produces some good recordings at times. http://kl7l.com/rise.mp3
As ever looking for any Eu signal 
Laurence KL7L
Uwe, I assume you are intending to send on
8270 Hz?
73, Markus
-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: uwe-jannsen <
[email protected]>
An: rsgb_lf_group <
[email protected]>
Verschickt: Di, 4 Okt 2016 6:30 pm
Betreff: LF: 8279Hz
tx is ZOA since 1602UTC.
EbNaut transmission at 1700UTC.
Period 10
6 chars
beacon mode on 30min
the RYCOM RX shows abt 30dB lower FS than normal in2015.