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Re: LF: testing VLF grabber

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: testing VLF grabber
From: "Max IK0VVE" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 May 2016 18:17:04 +0200
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
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Sender: [email protected]
Hi Stefan,
thanks for suggestions.

Tonight I'll suspend the grabber session to implement the 1pps GPS.
This was just a testing to see if I've problem with web upload, pc, etc... At the moment I'm using an old notebook that gives me the possibility to run a couple of SL sessions without wasting much energy. 
Ok for filtering the reception, this will improve for sure the signal quality.
Unfortunately, also living in a small rural suburb, I've a lot of noise for some years now "thanks" to new neighbor (LED lights), so I'm looking to install all system in a quieter place that can be easily approachable by a 5 ghz LAN, may be I could get ideas from your remote station, HI.

I know that IW4DXW Riccardo and IK7SLZ Domenico are warming up for VLF transmission. Rick transmitted for a while yesterday night but some capacitors problem impede a good system performance, so We are looking for new C's. I'm in the center between the two OM so could be a good place for RX test.
Not so many Italian HAM in VLF and LF now.

Thanks for now!

73, Max IK0VVE

______________________________ some of my HAM Radio projects...

Data: Sun, 01 May 2016 16:59:57 +0200
Oggetto: Re: LF: testing VLF grabber

Hello Max,

That's nice, very interesting and the configuration looks quite optimal.
Are you already using the noise blanker and band pass filter centered at 8.27 kHz?
We are in 940 km distance. That could be possible. But you would need a 47 uHz window to see something i think.
You wrote you're using ICV as the reference. In the past i have heared that ICV is not so stable (relative to other msk transmitters in the band). Do you have a stereo soundcard and could use the 1 pps option when using a cheap GPS module?

Any discussions on Italian forums regarding stations preparing for transmissions?

73, Stefan

Am 01.05.2016 11:11, schrieb Max IK0VVE:
Hi dear friends,
added on my website a 1 mHz DB grabber:
Optimizations will follow and even suggestions will be appreciated.

73, Max IK0VVE

______________________________ some of my HAM Radio projects...

Data: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 06:48:51 +0200
Oggetto: LF: testing VLF grabber

Hi all,
yesterday I completed a first step for an online dreamer band grabber.
You can find my shared real time archive here: ik0vve dropbox
At the moment the antenna is a 60 wires 1sq meter loop, a little low noise pre and SL locked on Italian LF ICV station.
Direction is N/S.
Of course I'll do some improvement in the next days, I would try to better tune the antenna. 


______________________________ some of my HAM Radio projects...

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