Joe wrote:
> Could you give me a tip on writing a program that
> could run in the background that could be used to
> key the TX on and off at half hour intervals?
Sure, or maybe that ebkey program should have an option
to control the key through another gpio pin?
Andy wrote:
> If I instead save one big file of several hours'
> worth of capture, will the EbNaut Rx software be
> able to go though that
I've not tried that but I don't see why ebnaut-rx wont
take a large T offset. You'd have to manually loop over
multiple messages in a file, putting in the appropriate
T offset each time and renaming the log file after each
message is completed.
I couldn't see anything in the cross-correlations of the
non-decoded message slots.
Checked all the decodes and the correlation peaks were all
within 60mS. About right for ntpd + keyer latency + propagation
delay. That's the clock sorted then.
I also checked the absolute phase of the messages and found
some large shifts from one message to another.
Paul Nicholson