Markus wrote:
> Maybe it makes sense to assume a 50% error rate for the
> statistics, more equivalent to a loss of signal
Good idea, I'll try it. I wouldn't like to stand up and justify
that to a professor but it could do better than the alternatives
- at least BER will always be below 50%. There will still be
problems though, eg 10% of a transmission received but BER =
40% implying that 60% of symbols were correct even though they
weren't received.
> Only problem is that the return path seems so much harder
At VLF the east-to-west is about 20dB harder than west-to-east.
Is there similar anisotropy at LF? I guess much less, if any.
We're running out of stations equipped for coherent! It doesn't
take long to exhaust the permutations.
And what are the limits at LF? How far do amateur signals go?
For that matter, how far does this mailing list reach?
How to interest more experimenters... away from Europe and
North America.
Was reading about lowFER, severe limits on antennas and input
power. Now that could be interesting. Do lowFER signals
reach Europe?
Lacking DX stations, the only option is some serious QRP.
Can we think of something interesting enough to drag Andy
away from his GUI?
Paul Nicholson