Hi Joe,
Weak signals with heavy QSB, but QRN was low.
73, Stefan
PS: There is a stable QRM line in the received spectrum. It has no QSB,
seems to be local. I can see it in the city as well as in the garden. In
tests with DF6NM we saw that it's stability is better than 10 mHz. The
drift in the spectrogram indicates that my LO is not stable and the
frequency offset detector does not work somehow, although it indicates
"OK"... Maybe i'm doing something wrong...
Am 14.07.2015 01:13, schrieb [email protected]:
Thank-you for the reports and captures!
Luis, I got a 404 dropbox error instead of your capure, but
thanks for the report.
Congrats on the full callsign Roelof. Your garden RX
works very well Stefan. The S/N seems much improved over your
home QTH.
TX is on again for tonight.
GL & 73