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Re: LF: xmas CW bacon on 630m !!

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: xmas CW bacon on 630m !!
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:35:41 +0100
Imp4-user: f6hcc56
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Yes, good idea Stefan

Jean / F6HCC

DK7FC <[email protected]> a écrit :

Thus i guess there will be increased RX-activity by HF amateurs
listening the first time on 630m. I always hoped there will be more
active CW stations on the band, initially starting with some WSPR,
moving to CW (too). Now i think it could be useful to run a CW
repeatedly on 473.8 kHz. I will see about the responses and will
mention reporting stations in the text, like done in the NAVTEX
transmissions. At least i'm getting regular (about 1 per week!)
by stations beeing RX-active on the band. Some are on the way to
on air, like e.g. DL6TY from JO44! :-)

In my opinion, 473.8 kHz is far enough away from the CW QSO segment.
Just tell me if the band is (actually!) overcrowded, then i will
move a
bit higher.
Running reduced power from the small 12V PA.
Right now there in no copy of the signal in Twente, to be

Also this may be a good study of QSB and propagation for older OMs
focusing on good old analog modes :-)

73, Stefan/DK7FC

(PS: Just kidding about the wrong typed word bacon/beacon ;-) )

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