you are planned to squize the Perseus bandwith and set a number of virtual receivers
sharing all the same hardware, can you explain howtodo.
Other question: is Perseus making new software one day or is the 4.1 the last one they will ever make.
I am owned sinds 3 months the Perseus sdr.
> From:
[email protected]> To:
[email protected]> Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:54:54 +0000
> Subject: LF: Setting Up RX site EA5DOM-RX
> Hi All
> I'm setting up a permanent Rx at about 10Km East from my QTH (IM98xn)
> Using MiniWhip and Perseus SDR for Rx. At the moment the limiting resource is
> the PC, as I'm using and old (small) Atom laptop, which hardly can run Perseus
> Software and WSPR-2. WSPR-X definetly can't run and reports errors :-(
> I plan to squize the Perseus bandwith and set a number of virtual receivers
> sharing all the same hardware. That would allow simultaneous decoding of Opera32
> Opera8, WSPR-2, WSPR-15 and Grabber channels into the LF and MF bands
> Surely a more powerful PC is needed. So far, the only software I have found which
> can do the trick is Studio1. I wonder if there is any other way to do it with an
> IQ Server which can keep simoultaneus clients running
> Anyone tested this ?? Any advice will be wellcome
> 73 de Luis
> PS: Working on the Tx side too. QRPPP on 630m at the moment with an Ultimate-3