Hello Jim,
you asked:
> Can I inspect previously captured Spectrum Lab data at higher
resolution by accessing a data file, or perhaps by opening a new
waterfall-display window?
Only if you logged the input ("audio") as file, *.wav or *.ogg.
From the spectra which may still reside in SL's "scroll-back" buffer
it's impossible to re-calculate an FFT with more resolution because the
data in that buffer are -by *default*- only amplitude spectra which
cannot be converted back from short-time Fourier transforms into the
time domain.
So, in short: Use SL's audio logging feature to capture the raw (or,
maybe, slightly compressed) data.
Can be activated as shown in the manual... from the main menu:
"File".."Audio Files and Streams"..."Save input as audio file".
Then, we can do all kinds of post-processing on the time domain data.
Wolf .