Hello all,
VOCM on 590 kHz has been arm chair copy in the past around my local
I have been monitoring reception of Canadian NDB's every night for years
now and I am sorry to say that propagation from Canada is very modest
(read poor) at the moment.
This does not necessarily apply to 137 kHz, though.
The Kyoto Dst has been in the doldrums the last couple of weeks and is now
back to normal.
In my experience it will take ten days for full recovery and looking at
the long lasting disturbances it might very well take longer now.
When the band is really open, NDB's from Newfoundland will be audible here
before the 8 o'clock news in the evening and lasting well after local
What we need is a quiet sun and solar flux below 100 (and low static).
None the less I am happy to report just a single WSPR decode from WE3XGR
last night!
2014-11-04 03:24 WE2XGR 0.475608 -27 0 FN31ls +40 10.000
PA0RDT JO11tm 5678 3528
Roelof Bakker, PAoRDT
Antenna: pa0rdt-Mini-Whip.