Hi Mike G3XDV and Graham and Group,
Thanks for the captures and reports. It seems the weekend was fraught with
QRN QSB QRM and poor condx. Oh well, a good excuse for another event.
Thanks to Steve VE7SL for his efforts. He had better luck.
In the mean time, work continues on getting OP8 on 630m here.
73 & Thanks to all.
On Sat, 1 Nov 2014, Graham wrote:
Hi Joe
The 198 was bbc radio 4 on 198 , punched in 198KHz to get a
calibration marker on the trace , rx had only been on for a short
time , it drifted a few hz at first
That's going back a while , I thought there was a prize hihi
Try adding OP8 to the beacon , from the plots , that would of decoded
, not quite CW but actually is CW
From: <jcraig@mun.ca>
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2014 1:12 PM
To: <rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org>
Subject: Re: Fw: LF: MF: VO1NA (was: VO1NA de F6CNI : 136K OP32)
Hi Graham,
I can confirm that the TX was on, but not sure what 198 and
the coconut are about. BBC 4 and the Holy Grail perhaps?
On Sat, 1 Nov 2014, Graham wrote:
spectrum plots seems not to be forwarded , odd
Joe ..........
I will claim the first detection this side of the pond
Nothing by ear , but short Tx on 477.7 with a quick check
on 198
can I donate the coco nut to a worthy cause ?
73- G,