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Re: LF: Ant current

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Ant current
From: "C. Groeger" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 16:18:11 +0100
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Thanks for quick reply, Wolf!

But then propagation from a mf tx on a ship on sea should be worse then from 

Christian Groeger

wolf_dl4yhf <[email protected]> schrieb:

>Hi Chris,
>By coincidence, I just had to re-adjust the antenna for exactly that reason:
>The conductivity of water is better, but the 'tangens delta' (loss 
>factor) of water as dielectric is much worse than that of ice.
>So the water "robs" energy in presence of an E-field, which the ice does 
>Thus the losses around the antenna go up. Depends a lot of the greenery 
>around the antenna.
>   Wolf DL4YHF .
>Am 01.02.2014 15:51, schrieb C. Groeger:
>> Hi all
>> How can one explain that ant current rises when soil is frozen?
>> Conductivity of water should be much higher than that of ice.
>> So earth resistance would be higher and the current should drop when soil is 
>> frozen...
>> 73, df5qg
>> Christian Groeger
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