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RE: LF: 74.550kHz Sep 29/30

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: LF: 74.550kHz Sep 29/30
From: Bob Raide <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:42:04 -0400
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I moved up a big .2 hz.
Hartmut likes the upper part of the band.  But hell-there are allot of clear spots around.  Where we are ain't bad from what grabbers I have seen namely [Hartmut and Mr Vester's.  
Am sure the freq issue will get worked out-I wouldn't trim anything just yet!  Am waiting to do the same here.
> Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:08:46 -0400
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: LF: 74.550kHz Sep 29/30
> Bob Raide wrote:
> > I plan on 74.549 as Hartmut is setup in that region of the band for
> > tonite. He likes this region of the band and have heard the same from
> > F6CNI [hope I have that correct]. But on the Markus grabber I saw
> > allot of various "junk sigs" on the whole hz freqs. Last night I went
> > down .1 Hz and Hartmut noticed it but did not comment. I was thinking
> > of going up .2 hz and be right in the clear of that junk [74.5492]. I
> > see the same happening on .548-for tonight Dex you could go with .2-.3
> > up or down. Or if you have other listeners try 73.625 and see how
> > things shake out. Will give us all an idea of what is best for the
> > QRSS window. Bob
> OK Bob, I'll move up a bit. The only reason for my suggesting a lower
> frequency is because my variometer is in about a 50% bucking position
> for 74.550. When we settle on a frequency I'll make adjustments in the
> main coil.
> I do have a request for a signal tonight so I'll let him know we're
> powering up.
> Dex
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