Hi Stefan and thanks for the info.
I found how to set the NB on SL!
I'm certainly a newbie, just a few days into the 6 month training
I get a lot of strong lightning crashes here on 137.
DCF39 was very strong on Friday night and loud in the speaker. Last
night not so strong however but still a very good trace.
Hopefully a good sign of conditions improving at last.
73 de George, DU1GM
On Sat, 27 Oct 2012 23:17:44 +0200, you wrote:
>George, Andrej, LF,
>I've run a splitted EU-60 grabber window now for some time, waiting
>until a relatively weak signal appears to times of high QRN.
>Attached is that splitted spectrogram of the grabber, showing "GB" in
>QRSS-60 on 136.1698 kHz, by Andrej/EW6GB.
>As visible, the spectrograms are taken in Spectrum Lab. The upper half
>shows the LF signal without band limiting and noise blanking, as done in
>many other programs. The lower half shows the same signal from the same
>instance but taken from behind a 2.5 kHz wide band filter and a
>Without the NB, GB is invisible or not readable. When using the NB, GB
>is clearly visible! The effect is impressive when QRN crashes are
>strong, nearby thunderstorms and that stuff. In the typical daylight LF
>background noise the effect is less expressed.
>Yes yes, all this is not new but we have some newcomers on LF and so it
>may be useful to demonstrate the effect of the SpecLab noiseblanker.
>73, GL, Stefan/DK7FC