Hi Chris,
I'm already back home. Nothing heard from the OH guys on 80 meters,
which is no big surprise under these conditions. 80 meters "opens too
late". Much in contrast to 630 meters :o)
Did you catch PA3ABK (thanks for the QSO, Jan) later ? He's occasionally
calling on 502 kHz, so it's always worth checking that frequency range
too. EI0CF used to be around 501 kHz, but I haven't been in touch with
him for some time. He's *not* on this reflector.
Wolf .
Am 09.09.2012 19:08, schrieb C. Groeger:
Hello Wolf,
80 and 40 are possible for me.
I'll watch ur activity and if possible get the one or other rprt too...
Christian Groeger
wolf_dl4yhf <[email protected]> schrieb:
Hello Christian,
Ok, so perseverance paid off :-) but it looks like the MF fieldday is
over now -- nothing audible here. I was busy from family matters during
morning to afternoon so I missed most of the show.
For tonight, after a relatively hot day in western europe, the
conditions / QRN will not be as excellent as they were yesterday. But
despite that, I'll try again at DF0WD. Maybe the fieldday operators are
still aroud then.
If the stations from OH which are busy sending spots over the dx
cluster, are monitoring the RSGB reflector(s): Are you prepared for
crossband mode, possibly 80 meters, or maybe 40 meters ?
Wolf DL4YHF .
Am 09.09.2012 10:53, schrieb C. Groeger:
Hello Wolf,
I finally reached dk0swf in the early morning. He gave me 599. My question if
this was a real report, was ignored...
Christian Groeger