Yes copying your WSPR8 – but still
haven’t got the WSPRNet upload working.
2148 -7 1.1 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2208 1 0.8 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2218 1 0.5 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2228 1 0.5 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2238 -2 0.7 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2248 -3 0.5 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2258 -4 0.5 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2308 -5 0.6 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
2318 -6 0.5 0.136158 0 DK7FC JN49 30
73 Terry
On Behalf Of Stefan Schäfer
Sent: 26 September 2012 23:55
Subject: Re: LF: WSPR-8 in the
early night.
Hi Michel, Markus, Jay,
John, Chris, Steinar (and probably Terry?),