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LF: OPERA Question

Subject: LF: OPERA Question
From: Stefan Schäfer <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 15:21:18 +0200
In-reply-to: <>
References: <C3F731D3B3D442FDBAA8720F953F74A5@AGB> <F09855DF575643A69705E0C805514AC1@2a2d7ed321c6425> <E0F8753816EF48A5A08EA8B704F787EA@AGB> <> <CC76ACE4114B46C287B68D45D8B20D19@AGB> <> <A590C5270A984DEFB1E0CDB5FA76DC51@AGB> <> <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Opera experts,

I have a simple question to Opera. If the program keys a PTT of a PA like a CW key and the operator can choose the frequency where he transmits, what is the range of frequencies where a decode can be expected from someone who set his RX to e.g. 477 kHz? Is it a USB bandwidth, so maybe from 300...3000 Hz, i.e. 477.3...480 kHz?? Can i completely free decide where i want to transmit on?
And if someone decides to let Opera choose the transmit frequency in that band (e.g. by using a HF TRX and a transverter), where does the program usually transmit. Is is accidentially oder is the range much more limited?

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 10.07.2012 14:29, schrieb M0FMT:
Hi Graham
I have found that if I run 24 Watts no body hears me. If I run one Watt people hear me?? If I boost the 1 Watt rig to 4 Watts same rig people don't hear me...... dohh! It may be RF into the Opera PIC keyer? I will next time try screening the PIC keyer. But the thing is my PC decodes everything.... why?? Any ideas?
73 es GL Pete M0FMT IO91UX
From: M0FMT <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2012, 11:11
Subject: Re: LF: OPERA MONITOR Now ?

Am now sending op4 on 500 at 1/2 intervals on the hour and 1/2 hour very approx. Can you report please if available will try to keep it on most of afternoon.

73 es GL Pete M0FMT IO91UX
From: Graham <>
Sent: Monday, 9 July 2012, 18:51
Subject: Re: LF: OPERA MONITOR Now ?

RX set  500.000  usb ,   running   OP4  and   WSPR  rx  at the  moment 
GL !... G ..

From: M0FMT
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 6:26 PM
Subject: LF: OPERA MONITOR Now ?

Hi all
While you are all testing Graham's theory on optimum band usage could you report my OP4 transmissions. I am using the stand alone PIC 'JNT designed Opera keyer switching my all Valve (Tube for our Cousins) TX.
Power now increased to four (4) Watts O/P from the original 1Watt at the antenna up lead. Antenna up lead abt 40 ft x 128ft long E/W. from IO91UX.
73 Pete M0fmt.
73 es GL Pete M0FMT IO91UX


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