Hello Hans-Albrecht, MF
Still QRT here, probably until early 2013 when the OH-permit is expected.
Recent DL CW activity has been on 472.5 ... 472.6 kHz where NDB QRM
can be avoided and that is also the slot I have been monitoring lately
with DJ5BV copied two nights in a row between 2100 and 2200 UTC on
472.62 kHz. I will likely be monitoring tonight as well.
Paul-Henrik, OH1LSQ
Vaasa, KP03SD
Quoting Hans-Albrecht Haffa <[email protected]>:
Dear OMs,
now I am qrv on 472k...479 kHz. Pout abt 50 W, TX Juma TX500, QSK no,
LOC JN48QQ, near Stuttgart. Is there any draft for a bandplan,
cq-freq. or the like?
With an IF-Filter of 100 Hz I will not turn the knob though 70
DK 8 ND, DI 8 AK
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