The current LF/MF reflector is doing fine, and I suggest LEAVE IT ALONE.
For those that want to go elsewhere GO GO.
I have not yet heard a good argument in favour of a move. In fact the one
or two shouting loudest about Yahoo are seldom or NEVER heard/seen on any
of the MF/LF frequencies.
The arguments put forward by the majority of experienced operators to date
to stay with the current reflector are constructive and sensible.
I am active most days on 137 and 500 Khz mainly using CW and QRSS also
active on HF and VHF
i can always be contacted by private emails for skeds etc if ever this
reflector packs in and will not be moving to YAHOO with all the politics, red
tape and censorship and appliance operator rules
de mal/g3kev