I corrected one error in Argo and, maybe, another one. Count that as
1.5 errors....
I had reports about a problem in the captured screens of Argo. A few
users (only a few)
reported that the bottom left corner of the screen was as in this
image :
After some checking, it resulted that under Windows 7, and with some
the transparency was not managed correctly by the GDI.
I modified the code so to avoid using transparency there, and the
problem seems to be fixed.
Another quirk reported is that, sometimes, the captured images were
missing part or all
of the title bar. I guessed what could be the cause, and made some
changes. I cannot test
them, as here the problem does manifest. So I count this as half of
a correction... :-)
The amended Argo is here :
73 Alberto I2PHD