Scared of neighbours es XYL now the secret is OUT
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 4:30
Subject: Re: LF: 500 opera V
I have many other antennas squeezed in from a 40m
doublet to 23cm beams, I also have neighbours who are excellent but I need to
be reasonable about what I erect, I also have an XYL.
When will you
realise. How many times do you need to be told, that not all Hams live in
fields. Some of us actually enjoy doing what we can with what we have, and
then actually choose to use QRP, because it is a challenge. And we still get
to OK land on 200uW ERP.
Yes I have a 10m glass fibre rod the only
possible place that I could mount it is on my neighbours office wall, I have
brackets there, recently I had my wind generator mounted there on test, half
on mine half on his property, that would make a lousy location for a 500kHz
antenna though.
On 30/01/2012 15:48, mal hamilton wrote:
It is hard to believe that you can only get a 5 metre
inv L into your property. How about going upwards towards the sky. Try a 10
metre telescopic fishing rod at least that is twice what you have at
present, also 15metre rods are available and should fit into your back
Footprint 10 sq inches
You cannot be serious about your antenna
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 3:37
Subject: Re: LF: 500 opera V
Hey Mal
I hope you are sitting down. I must tell
you, I had a Morse QSO c.12WPM on 500kHz yesterday morning with G3XIZ and
very enjoyable it was too.
My QRP Rig is my own design home built
with a home made Morse Key, the Antenna, 5m inverted L is as big as I can
accommodate, it took a lot of engineering to get the efficiency on 500kHz
that it has.
Question, at what point when I start to key that TX
from a PIC, with my own programming, conceived by me, with a Data mode do
I become a worthless Back Box Appliance Operator for whom there is no room
on 500kHz.
On 30/01/2012 13:47, mal hamilton
Eddie Om
There is your answer from a MAN that
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012
11:59 AM
Subject: Re: LF: 500 opera
my guess is that in the "Opera vs QRSS" challenge, Mal's
odds wouldn't be bad at all:
Graham stated that Opera-8 should decode above
SNR -32 dB in 2.5 kHz (average). Referenced to 1 Hz,
this is +2 dBHz average, or about + 5 dBHz for the CW
QRSS-10 could transmit a callsign approximately in the
same amout of time. It is received eg. in Argo at 0.084 Hz FFT
bandwidth, equivalent to 0.13 Hz or -9 dBHz noise
bandwidth. Thus the marginal Opera signal would be a very
comfortable 14 dB SNR in QRSS.
We typically give "O" reports on QRSS signals above 10 dB
SNR. This would mean that QRSS could be twice as fast as
Some may prefer the digital decoder from the visual one
because "100% all-or-nothing". In my opinion this is not a
benefit, as there is no way to detect a signal below the
threshold, and judge how much was missing or what type of QRM was
present. Of course, with a digital mode yu don't have to
bother investigating spectrograms - well, borrowing a
term once coined by G3KEV, then that's the ultimate "lazy man's
CW" ;-)
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
OP31 expected round -38 dB s/n
(ave) OP8 ~ -32 dB
Mitteilung----- Von: qrss <>An:
rsgb_lf_group <>Verschickt:
So, 29 Jan 2012 9:25 pm Betreff: Re: LF: 500 opera V
Mal Can you see or hear my 12WPM Morse ident between my OPERA
signals? I doubt it. I could put QRS3 between, that would be a good
test. Say a cryptic message for decipher, one transmission and that is
it, if Opera decodes and the QRS remains unread OPERA
wins. Eddie On 29/01/2012 19:53, Graham wrote:
R Mal
Those signals where about 10 db
over the limit , so will show , OP16 ,
is about 6 dB lower again. but a decode is a
decode.. good start.
14:44 500 G3ZJO de G3KEV Op4 142 miles -22 dB in
136 is being most
used at the moment RA9CUA is
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 6:14 PM
Subject: LF: 500 opera V
On 500 Khz so far signals decoded in Opera
mode have been visible on the waterfall therefore had the mode been
QRSS the result would have probably been better and quicker in QRS 3
- 10
The mode is however interesting and needs
little operator intervention.
de mal/g3kev