On receive it is the SNR that matters. It is a good idea to have a loop
(preferably rotatable) as well as a long wire, so you can choose which gives
better reception.
I have found a 2x 2 metre air-cored loop very effective for receive on 137.
John F5VLF
On 22 Dec 2011, at 11:19CET, mal hamilton wrote:
> Hi Ben
> RX antennas seem to be the problem for most. A very effective antenna is a
> piece of insulated wire as long and as high as possible resonated for the
> frequency of interest and a good sensitive RX. All other types of small
> antennas ie ferrite rods, micro probes, etc are alright for receiving
> broadcast high power stations or amateur QRSS acty but poor for CW
> reception.
> I have noticed EU stn on LF can only work their neighbours using QRS because
> of poor RX antennas, not enough sensitivity for CW.
> Sending out a Beacon is the easy part but conducting a cw QSO is a different
> ball game.
> Hope you get yours fixed
> mal/g3kev
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "" <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 9:08 AM
> Subject: Re:LF: Re: LF/MF X-Band Request
> GM Mal,
> That's actually the case. RX problem still here. I heard a signal in the
> noise, tried
> to dig it out, but did not success.
> Your signal should not be so hard to copy from this QTH.
> Now QRT too, trying to solve the thing.
> TNX trying. I'll post later on abt problem solving and back on trafic.
> de F8GRY/Ben
>> Message du 22/12/11 09:53
>> De : "mal hamilton"
>> A : [email protected]
>> Copie à :
>> Objet : LF: Re: LF/MF X-Band Request
>> Om
>> You seem to be on BEACON MODE and not listening.
>> I have called you but you are not responding or your RX/ANTENNA is not
>> working
>> Now QRT here
>> de G3KEV
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: ""
>> To:
>> Cc: "rcf5kmb googlegroups com"
>> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 8:10 AM
>> Subject: LF: LF/MF X-Band Request
>> GM All,
>> Starting CQing X-Band on 7022, QSX 136.500, seems the SDR is in better
>> health now.
>> de F8GRY/Ben
>> Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous
>> tente ?
>> Je crée ma boîte mail
> Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous
> tente ?
> Je crée ma boîte mail