Hi all,
The signals did measure 10dB stronger than the Alphas on my spectrogram.
Halldor TF3HZ
On mán, 2011-08-01 at 20:32 +0300, Alex Deligiannis wrote:
> On 1/8/2011 7:38 μμ, Stefan Schäfer wrote:
> > Hi Alex, Markus, Lubos, VLF,
> >
> > Markus, Lubos: But the signals have been ON to the same time (abt 9
> > UTC) on air than the Alphas, at least it looks like that on the slow
> > scrolling spectrograms!? But maybe you are right. On my RSDN-20_F1
> > plot there are visible and unusual disturbances. Maybe they keyed the
> > TX for short times. A fast running 11904 Hz spectrogram could tell us
> > more, maybe. I'll forward the mail to Paul Nicholson who probably
> > noticed the transmissions already ;-)
> >
> > Alex: Well, if the signal appears in Iceland AND in Germany, i think
> > it's not local :-) Signal was strong at OK2BVG and YO/4X1RF...
> >
> OK now I see that you are talking about the signals from 08 till 10 Z in
> the morning.... OK I was at QRL that time...my mistake sorry