Mal says:
"If one is plagued with environmental noise and poor
signal quality on LF/MF then maybe this is not the band for You."
You might be right, but it's fun trying! I have very much enjoyed the
last couple of years on 136/7 despite the difficulties.
Well, I'm not sure the QSY is a solution either. When I rotate my 2m beam
and watch the noise level on the s-meter, the noise goes up by about 18db as
the beam points down the line of the houses in my street. Not
surprising I have trouble on LF.
All you can do is the best with the circumstances you're presented
Lack of activity is as much due to us (radio amateurs) in general getting
older and dropping out of the hobby, with few youngsters following on, as
anything else.
Thanks to those who commented about SNR, I agree with others
Vy 73,
Chris, G4AYT, Whitstable,