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Re: LF: Re: Delays

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Delays
From: "mal hamilton" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2010 18:49:36 -0000
References: <939733C64B494932A06C9B3D9C76ABD5@IBM7FFA209F07C><006701cb93d0$7a451720$4001a8c0@lark> <>
I am still awaiting a reply to my message about your activities on 9 Kcs. When do you expect to transmit. From previous postings I understood you were ready to go and awaiting a NOV. Has the snow delayed your activities or are you having second thoughts. I hope you are not offended by asking this question.
de G3KEV
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Delays

Sorry to go on about this, but a Yahoo Groups version of the LF-reflector would serve our needs better IMHO.

A group for sub-9kHz has already been set up. See , but it would take 5 mins for moderators here (are there any?) to set up the direct equivalent of this group on Yahoo with all the advantages of web based message reading (if required/preferred - users choose), 100GB photo storage, full message archives and search facilities, file storage, polls, databases, ability to moderate, ban mal-content members, etc etc.

Roger G3XBM

O forn 4 December 2010 16:29, Alan Melia <> wrote:
Hi Chris, I am on BT Internet as well and I am getting messages within 4
mins when posted by UK stations. Certainly one of the mesages from Germany
took nearly half an hour to come through, so it may be congestion en-route.
Reflector messages are 2nd priority to a lot of ISPs, and nodes.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris" <>
To: "RSGB LF Group" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 4:03 PM
Subject: LF: Delays

Is anyone else experiencing long delays with messages being relayed by this
site? It's rather screwing up keeping track of what Stefans up to here.
Chris, G4AYT.

G3XBM   GQRP 1678    ISWL G11088
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