Stefan and Co
This is the point that I was making. Maybe an iron
courtain stretched around UK is the next step by the met office.
The situation is laughable so is the 500 Kc licence
in Germany where you can TX a beacon but not allowed to RX and have a QSO.
With the Federal EU state why is every country
different when it comes to radio permits
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:42
Subject: Re: LF: Re: VLF
Hi Roger,
Am 23.11.2010 12:51, schrieb Roger Lapthorn:
They also require copies of a log showing the actual activity so
they can check if they were being interfered with (I book for a day but may
only be testing for a couple of hours).
Have they asked
you to keep them informed about my transmissions too? Or is it not of
interest for them what happens outside UK (although the signal can be received
in UK at good strenght too)? Just a quastion of interest ;-)